Wisdom of the Earth
As we usher in the new year, many of us are cursing the one we are leaving behind with good riddance.

Grandma Goebel’s Apple Crisp (vegan + gluten free version)
This is a scrumptious afternoon snack with tea, or breakfast with coffee, and, of course, dessert. Many thanks to Virginia Goebel for her wisdom and love.
The Sky Between the Branches
In Taos, New Mexico Spring has sprung and the leaves are just beginning to foliate the trees, yet we can still see glimpses of the vast, blue sky through the space in between the branches, like portals into open possibility.
When you can’t go outside, go inside.
It is springtime and there is a stirring in the soil. It is a time of new growth and possibility.

Spiritual Ecology: How Mindfulness Supports Sustainability
In the past decade, we have produced more plastic than in the previous century, and the rate of production and consumption only shows signs of increase.